Resolutions For the Bloggers in 2013
January 2013 has begun and those of who are into the internet marketing, then this year is going to keep you busy. You might have taken some resolution to improve yourself.
Do you have business resolutions! Have you taken any?
If you are a blogger then do take some resolutions this year, to boost your business level. It may be anything - writing a blog post every day, replying to each of the comments or publish more than 100 guest posts this year.
Well, bloggers we have some good resolutions for you and you can pick anyone of them and stick to it for your own benefit.
5 New Year Resolution Ideas for All Bloggers
• Be Unique
If you want to prove yourself successful in the field of blogging then the first thing that you need to earn is a unique personality. Online readers like to see a gravatar, which is unique and refreshing. So, please do not hide your face from the world and give complete details about yourself. Do have a photograph of yourself to increase visibility to your customers.
If you are able to own a personality in the internet market, then public will not take you for granted. Do not ignore the small things like images and photographs. Keep changing them as you do it to your Facebook profile.
Try to integrate Google authorship, as it will help you to get a better CTR from search engines and increase the online identity.
• Get Access To Good And Original Topics
What do you mean by good content? Why you need to post them on your blog?
These are the question, which is going to come into your mind as soon as you read the subtitle.
A good content is one that interests a reader and lets the people enjoy the blog posts that they would like to share with their friends on the Internet. Good content requires a lot of research and you have to be patient before creating a blog post.
Information that you relate to the post must be latest and should be valuable to the readers of your site. Do incorporate all the modern technologies to make your content unique from the rest. Just routing posts are not enough; rather you have to excel others. Give something fresh, which readers cannot find in others site.
• Keep Posting Daily
Blogs are monsters and you have to feed them constantly, as they are always hungry. So make sure that you post two to three blog contents daily. Make sure the content you post is having a good quality. You have to reach out to the visitors before your competitors reach out to them. The posts you give should be interesting. If you are writing a blog series then post them every day until you finish the series.
• Use Social Media To Expand Network
If you can drive proper traffic to your blog then you are fortunate. If not, then one of the ways to drive huge traffic to your blog is to use the social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc. Do have a Facebook fan page, create a Google Plus, or Twitter account. With the help of these platforms, you can get thousands of followers for your blog.
You cannot deny the power of social media. Incorporate the social media tabs on your blog to cater large traffic.
• Maintain Good Relationship with Your Readers
Blog posting is simple and when you see that your post are attracting readers and they are commenting upon it, do reply each of them. This will enable you to build strong relationship with your customer. As soon as you read their comment, you will come to know what their demands are. And you can provide them with the desirable solutions.
This year does not overlook a single comment; try to have some software on your website that will start debate, discussions, and polls.
If you want to make success kiss your way, then do pick any one of this resolution and turn yourself into a successful blogger.
Do you have new year blogging resolutions? Please, share them via comments.
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